.. comment line Game Asset Crafter |version| - User Manual ========================================== .. https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#rst-directives .. note:: This project is under active development and should be considered in alpha. Game Asset Crafter (*GAC*) is a user friendly game asset editor. You can get it on `itch.io `_ . Here' what it looks like when first opened: .. image:: _static/img/user-interface/overview_at_startup2.png Each tool is documented in the :doc:`user interface ` section. Main Features ============= - import models from asset packs (in addition to a base set of primitives shipped with the app) - drop models in the scene, and piece them together to achieve your vision * translation, rotation , scaling * duplicate * drag along the floor, along other models' surfaces, smooth dragging, etc * snap models to each other with vertex-level accuracy - slap stickers on your models in order to easily customize them or add details - export for Unreal Engine, Unity, Godot, and most other 3D engines (glTF / glb formats) .. reStructuredText https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/index.html> Contents ======== .. toctree:: user-interface tools/resource_explorer tools/inspector tools/painter tools/actions_log tools/exporter